How to build a well-functioning team
- Autor článku Petra Brabencová
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The issue of teamwork has become a phenomenon for modern management of many companies nowadays and creating a well-functioning team is sometimes alchemy.
Team Building
The most important and primary task of team building is to create a strong and positive bond between team members in the group and to create an atmosphere of trust and security. When we feel comfortable and safe, we work much better and more creatively. Team members should create the conditions in which people can begin to see themselves and other team members as "we".
Proper Communication
Communication is key because it builds trust and relationships, and in turn creates a "safe work environment" and will lead to a healthy group environment and effective work process. Good communication creates awareness and understanding and enables team members to complete their tasks efficiently. Of course, skillful communication also includes the art of listening. It is essential to set the rules of communication in the team so that all team members are given space to express themselves. Every team member is entitled to express his or her opinion and be heard.
Team Leader
The success of a work team depends largely on its manager. He or she helps the team to stay on course to achieve the main goal. He or she supports the confidence of the members by developing their skills and competencies. A good leader does not personally blame team members for failure, but sees a failure situation as an opportunity to learn. He or she also looks for constructive ways to overcome obstacles, does not ignore problems and does not gloss over unfulfilled tasks.
Celebrating success together
The feeling of a job well done is priceless. But how about trying to reward yourself for successfully completing a project? Go sit down with your team and enjoy the success together. Thank each other for a job well done. All team members will then be motivated for the next project.
Dealing with failure
Things don't always go according to plan and failure is part of the job. Let's not look for a culprit to punish for failure, but let's try to understand the real reasons why the project/task failed. We need to sit down openly with the team and identify the problems that have occurred. You learn by making mistakes. By working together, it is possible to take the best of it and do it differently and better next time.
And that's what it's all about - each of us can contribute to making the team we work in a great one, and we feel fulfilled because we are doing what we are good at and find the work meaningful.

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