Avoid burnout for HR professionals: 5 ways to help relieve stress and burden
- Autor článku Kateřina Wendeling
- Publikováno v English articles
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HR professionals are often seen as the solution to employee stress and burnout. They are the first resource provided to employees who are feeling exhausted and worn down. But HR professionals are just people too, and they are currently experiencing rapid rates of burnout. According to a survey of 400 HR personnel conducted by AllVoices, 53% of HR leaders are burned out, and 48% are looking for a new job (2022). HR is a stressful role where professionals have many different responsibilities and must deal with a range of problems. So, this epidemic of burnout and exhaustion is no surprise.
To help combat burnout in the HR community, we have created 5 tips that should help alleviate stress and pressure.
1. Prioritize balance
One of the leading causes of burnout is working too many hours and doing overtime work. So make sure you are working a schedule that allows time for life outside of work. Utilize vacation days to create breaks for yourself. This will allow you to return to work refreshed and with a positive mindset. Even during the work day make sure to care for yourself and take breaks or change tasks. This will keep your mind alert instead of drained and unproductive. Finally, make sure to establish healthy boundaries between work and personal life. If you are always conjoined to your phone or email then there is no reprieve from work or opportunity to return to work feeling refreshed. The key is to create a balance between work and outside life. This will optimize focus, motivation, and joy when working.
2. Recall your motivation and goals
Think about why you got into HR in the first place. Whether it's the ability to help people, solve problems, be a part of a growing field, or the opportunity to work with a team there are many benefits to a position in HR. What aspects of the job are motivating to you? After analyzing how you believe you are benefiting, evaluate what your future aspirations and goals are. Is there a position you are aiming for, or responsibilities you want to take on? Maybe there is a colleague that could develop into a mentor, a new idea to pitch, or a promotion to work towards. It can be easy to feel stuck in a role, and these feelings can quickly build into burnout, but rediscovering your motivation and drive is a great way to not only combat burnout but propel yourself further in your career.
Tip: Check out learning from HR professionals to get inspiration on how to bring your HR career to the next level.
3. Automate what you can
When completing the same tasks day in and day out, one can quickly feel bored or drained. Utilize automation to quickly manage and complete monotonous tasks or to simplify difficult duties. One of the biggest and never-ending undertakings of HR professionals is recruitment. But, there is now Recruitment Application Tracking Software (ATS) that can help simplify each stage of the recruitment process. ATS allows for improved productivity and collaboration for an entire HR team. By learning how to make technology work in your favor, HR professionals can spend more time working on what is valuable to them. This will help prevent the burnout and fatigue that comes from repeating monotonous tasks.
Tip: Visit Datacruit.com to check out intuitive and efficient ATS to help automate your recruitment process.
4. Communicate your needs
When experiencing burnout, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the problems or pressure you are experiencing, but it is important to remember that others can only help you if you communicate with them. Ask for help when you need it. Communicate how you are doing with the pace of work, and explain what you need from your colleagues. It may seem easier to handle difficulties on your own, but without the support of a team, this isolated attitude will quickly become exhausting and put you on the fast track to burnout.
5. Connect with others in the HR industry
Sometimes the best thing you can do is talk to someone who knows how you are feeling. It is important to be connected and engaged with other professionals in the HR industry. They understand your professional life in a way others may not. They can support you in your struggles, celebrate your success, and share an understanding of your professional life that others may not. To begin connecting with the HR community check out the blog post, articles, and even podcasts all created for HR Professionals at HRMixer.
Tip: Join webinars of HR professionals to feel connected, engaged, and learn with other HR professionals.
HR is a vital aspect of any organization. HR professionals need to be on their best game to ensure a thriving and healthy organization. Hopefully, these tips help to make sure those essential employees are feeling their best and not falling towards burnout.

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